Thursday, August 27, 2020
African tone languages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
African tone dialects - Essay Example African tone dialects In any case, such an examination will undoubtedly prompt some troublesome inquiries, for example, †Is music a type of language? What is the hugeness of this interrelationship?, and so on. These inquiries will be replied in the accompanying entries. Such perspectives as â€Å"in-time performance†, reportorial and nonexclusive qualifications will likewise be investigated. The most considerable proof for the connection between African music and language is to be found in the melody verses. Let us take the case of Daniel Avorgbedor’s mainstream tune â€Å"It’s a Great Song†. The tune has a place with a one of a kind African sort alluded to as â€Å"war of put-down and music†. Opponent gatherings from various towns participate in a challenge of brains and affront one another. Factuality isn't as significant as their masterful legitimacy. Regardless of whether the sections contain deceptions and unjustifiable criticisms, they are disregarded. For a western understudy of music and culture, such a training may appear to be odd or even base. In any case, it is essential to comprehend the job such a melodic articulation plays in the African social setting. Most importantly, much advancement is required in arrangement to realize the ideal impact. The specific put-down identifying with sporadic teeth, body geology, family heritage, p eople’s individual sexual experiences, and so on, may show up raunchy for somebody not familiar with such interpretations. To really acknowledge such a style of music, one needs to focus on the wide assortment of scholarly gadgets utilized by the arrangers (who are additionally called Anlo-Ewe writers) (Agawu, 2001).
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Would You Pay Someone to Write My Research Paper?
Would You Pay Someone to Write My Research Paper?As an English teacher, I am often asked if I would be willing to pay someone to write my research paper. I have always taken this question with a pinch of salt and put off answering it until the right time.What is interesting is that in all honesty, the only reason I usually spend any time writing my research paper is because I have a deadline. Usually, my students have a final exam looming and unless I write the paper a few weeks before the exam, I do not get the chance to really write it. I write it because I have a deadline. But writing the paper for my students is probably one of the most enjoyable parts of teaching.Now, when I do want to write a research paper, I tend to go back to my old standby, the research search engine. Yes, it is possible to hire someone to write your research paper, but this does tend to lower the quality of the work and probably will not result in a better report.When you hire someone to write your researc h paper, they will likely be expected to actually write the paper. I have seen this happen many times. In this case, the student has actually written a much better paper than they originally had and they expect the writer to bring out the better aspects of the paper.Unfortunately, when someone is writing your paper, there is not going to be a lot of feedback involved. The professor will either be given a short synopsis of the research that he or she is expected to write, or simply told what the major points are. In many cases, I have seen this result in the professor writing down information that they had no idea was there.This can be frustrating, but when you find the good idea, just remind yourself that the professor is probably not going to have it, anyway. Keep your eyes open for those nuggets of wisdom that the professor might have not seen in his or her class. Teach them how to play the guitar, build a wonderful little organic garden, or just come up with a great new title for their book or magazine article.If this does not seem like a viable option for you, then ask for some help to write your paper. In the end, you are probably going to end up with a better piece of work.Overall, I am much more apt to pay someone to write my research paper than I am to make them write a research paper on my own. The reason is because I have already written the material that I have to, so I have less work to do. Of course, I also have more time to work on other things and not worry about researching.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Employee Recognition Programs Essay
All business elements, large or little, have human asset. Ordinarily known as workers, these individuals are an organization’s most significant resource. These are people inside the firm who fill in as the organization’s human capital and work toward accomplishing the objectives of the organization. Without human workforce, foundations won't have the option to play out its everyday tasks. Regardless of whether an association isn't work concentrated, it is incontestable that a firm despite everything needs human asset to oversee and investigate its endeavors, and persistently push the organization towards appropriate organization, benefit and achievement. The enhancements and changes in the business and economy other than expanded consciousness of representatives as an important asset has changed the concentration from controlling to dealing with this resource†(Purdy, 2007). As an ever increasing number of associations depend on human workforce, there is presently the need to deal with the most powerful asset of an organization, who are its representatives. Enrolling the correct sort of workers and preparing them to become profitable are not just the appearing commitment of an organization. Be that as it may, all the more significantly, keeping these representatives propelled won't just improve them by and by yet will empower superior, which will profit the association also. â€Å"Employee resolve inside an association directly affects the fulfillment level of its clients and the company’s extreme success†(Fretwell, 2002, p. 1). Consequently, organizations perform various types of representative acknowledgment programs that will altogether improve worker resolve. One significant detail to recall is that the pioneer of the association must be able to distinguish and perceive decrease in worker assurance, factors causing such, and acknowledgment of this condition. After which, there are numerous achievable territories to take a shot at to have the option to work out and clean up the issue. It is critical to begin with the administration. One of the most significant advances is to relate. Correspondence is constantly significant in keeping up a smooth proficient connection among representatives and the administration. Urge the representatives to approach with issues, recommendations, clashes, protests, and criticisms. Listen cautiously; don't leave the representatives hanging. Along these lines, the executives will have the option to know plainly what components are making the representatives act so that crumbles their work. Likewise, they will have the option to know the different perspectives of the workers, which if appropriately took care of, may have the impact of high spirit. This technique has consistently been straightforward and costs nothing by any stretch of the imagination! Also it gives an incredible answer for resolve issues. When the pioneers know the issue, it is simpler to discover likely arrangements and methods for improving the regard of the workers. Ensure the representatives have an away from of their expert objectives inside the association. Stay up with the latest about the business, causing them to feel increasingly included. Support innovativeness and be steady in the organization of rules and strategies. Along these lines, the workers won't feel they are being treated with partiality once they get punished for botches. Cause them to comprehend what they are experiencing. Be that as it may, once in a while, letting the representatives accomplish they own work is the thing that they need. They need to feel they are trusted to complete their work. Teambuilding can likewise help take out negative sentiments and activities by cultivating regard among workers. The ability to settle on choices assist representatives with understanding their significance to the organization, and this builds the regard of the workers. Likewise, so as to complete work, and done right, the pioneers of the association need to give the representatives the aptitudes and devices for them to finish their assignments. This incorporates giving them support and the preparation that they need so as to improve or sharpen their capacities. The board should likewise recognize and sustain those individuals who perform well and should prepare them for influential positions. Simultaneously, it needs to recognize and assist the normal entertainers with improving themselves and their profitability. Recognizing crafted by the representatives consistently gives them motivation to work more diligently and get perceived, making them much increasingly upgraded and beneficial. Straightforward honors may do, similar to what foundations frequently offer, as â€Å"Employee of the Month†grants might be a stage towards perceiving the employees’ difficult work. In addition, offering advancements to astounding and profoundly improved laborers empower them to support their trust regarding their work and push them to work significantly harder. Give a superior work space by guaranteeing the security of the representatives while at the working environment. This gives them the assurance that they are all around dealt with by the administration. Higher monetary compensations, rewards and advantages advance the estimation of steadfastness from the workers to the association. With better pay, representatives can give high respect for their work and will in general become fulfilled of what they are doing and whom they are working for. Create impetus programs that improve both representative disposition and participation rates. Frequently, absence of impetus is the motivation behind why representatives don't get propelled to work. Instances of this projects incorporate â€Å"the capacity to trade out unused days off toward the finish of a particular period, permitting workers to leave mid one Friday for every long stretch of impeccable participation, reward pay for times of immaculate participation, and blessings, for example, investment funds securities or gift vouchers for times of flawless attendance†(Bushman, 2007, p. 4). In particular, past placing into essential significance the accomplishment of achievement and benefit is the need to deal with the organization’s individuals. In the event that the representatives accept that their managers couldn't care less either about the assignment or them, at that point they won't care either. Furthermore, normally, the organization and its tasks will endure. Building confidence in an association may not be as hard as one might suspect The way to spurring representatives is having them feel esteemed and increased in value by their bosses and inside the organization that they buckling down for. It requires for every single worker to feel a feeling of accomplishment in profession, a feeling of having a place at the working environment, a feeling of commitment to the association, and a feeling of gratefulness for their contribution in the compatibility of the organization’s objectives to accomplish high representative spirit, and in the end higher efficiency and by and large achievement.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Research Design And Methods For Advanced Nursing Practice
Research Design Methods for Advanced Nursing Practice N633 Critique #3 Introduction and literature review Strengths identified are that the introduction identified the specific problem quickly â€Å"without using valuable journal space to outline a very broad problem area†(Pyrczak, 2013, pg. 34). The factual statements that the authors presented included cited sources. Pyrczak advises that â€Å"researchers should avoid making statements that sound like facts without referring to their source†(Pyrczak, 2013, pg. 40). The specific purpose was clearly stated and found in the last sentence of the introductory paragraph. Weaknesses identified included that the authors demonstrated the problem area but there were no statistics included in the†¦show more content†¦165) but did not give a number to indicate how much lower these rates were. With improved statistical backing, I felt like the introduction would have had a greater impact on the reader when initially examining it. Sample The sampling method used was nonprobability, convenience sampling. This was inferred. The sample size was the 80 nursing staff located on this particular medical-surgical unit. These 80 staff members were recruited, 37 did not participate and 43 agreed to participate with a participation rate of 54% (Kalisch et al., 2015, pg. 170). Only 16 participants truly completed the study by completing the pre and posttests. The attrition rate for this study was 62.8%. I do not feel like this was a representative sample of the population. Many facilities utilize LPNs as well as RNs and NAs. To be more representative, there should have been additional facilities used in this study to increase the sample size. Different facilities may have different combinations of teams as well. The sample for the study was not even representative of the unit. While they do not give a specific breakdown of exactly how many RNs and NAs are on staff for this unit, one can assume that there would be more than only 5 NAs. There was not a large participation of the NAs, who play a vital role in patient care in regards to discussion of the nursing team. According to the percentages, the
Friday, May 15, 2020
Obsession In Mary Shelleys Frankenstein - 1294 Words
Obsessions Come Alive â€Å"It’s ALIVE!†This is what one may think of when hearing the name â€Å"Frankenstein.†Along with this exclamation, one may think of Frankenstein as a grotesque, green-hued creature created by a scientist. Society often thinks of the character Frankenstein as the monster in a horror story. However, this common thought is completely false. Frankenstein is actually the main character who creates the monster in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Regardless of the novel Frankenstein’s misconceptions, a multitude of people from all corners of the globe recognize the name of Shelley’s famous book. The novel is used in countless classrooms to teach about the various themes the book contains. One of those themes is obsession and how it†¦show more content†¦Victor’s obsession caused negative physical effects that could not be cured upon completing the monster. This proves that obsession’s effects are negativ e as well as long-lasting. Another example of negative physical effects due to obsession from Shelley’s novel is the illness that falls upon Victor after completing his work on the monster. When Victor realizes the horrible thing he has created, he says, â€Å"But I was in reality very ill, and surely nothing but the unbounded and unremitting attentions of my friend could have restored me to life. The form of the monster on whom I had bestowed existence was forever before my eyes, and I raved incessantly concerning him†(46). Clearly, Victor is physically ill because he is consumed by a fever due to the monster. Completing the creation did not cure Victor’s physical illness, however, it did seem to worsen it. Victor will not be able to ever fully forget the horrible thing he has done or the illness that was caused by it. This leads one to infer that Shelley is revealing that the obsession that Victor has with his creation has physically made Victor sick and made him into a different person , completely transforming his character. It is clear that passion for something, even with good intentions, can be a bad thing because it can have negative physical effects and cause one’s persona to change. Additionally,Show MoreRelatedFantasy, Horror, And Science Fiction In Mary Shelleys Frankenstein1180 Words  | 5 Pageshaunted houses filled with unseen supernatural occurrences. Out of these stories in the â€Å"Gothic tradition†, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is one of the most influential novels in history. It is considered by many to be one of the first science fiction novels. Often these stories of science fiction draw attention to the permeable boundaries separating humans from their creations, but Mary Shelley presents us with the thoughts and struggles of the creature, who is highly intelligent, often sympatheticRead More Folly of Science Exposed in Shelley’s Frankenstein and E.T.A. Hoffman’s Sandman693 Words  | 3 PagesFolly of Science Exposed in Shelley’s Frankenstein and E.T.A. Hoffman’s Sandman In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and E.T.A. Hoffman’s Sandman, elements of science are portrayed in a negative light, warning the reader of the dangers of the unknown. Many aspects of science and technology are portrayed from alchemy and robotics in the Sandman to biology and chemistry in Frankenstein. The stories feature similar main characters that break the boundaries of conventional society in order to investigateRead MoreThe Monster’s Birth in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay727 Words  | 3 PagesRomantic novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelly, the selection in chapter five recounting the birth of Dr. Frankenstein’s monster plays a vital role in explaining the relationship between the doctor and his creation. Shelley’s use of literary contrast and Gothic diction eloquently set the scene of Frankenstein’s hard work and ambition coming to life, only to transform his way of thinking about the world forever with its first breath. In this specific chapter, Victors scientific obsession appears to beRead More The Dangers of Science in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay example1019 Words  | 5 PagesScience in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Mary Shelleys novel Frankenstein cannot merely be read as a literary work of the early 19th century. It represents the workings of young Shelleys mind. Further, it represents the vast scientific discoveries of the time, combined with Mary Shelleys intuitive perception of science. She views science as a powerful entity, but also recognizes the dangers if uncontrolled. Shelley demonstrates this fear in the book as science drives Victor Frankenstein to createRead More Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay1312 Words  | 6 PagesMary Shelleys Frankenstein In order to illustrate the main theme of her novel â€Å"Frankenstein†, Mary Shelly draws strongly on the myth of Prometheus, as the subtitle The Modern Prometheus indicates. Maurice Hindle, in his critical study of the novel, suggests, â€Å"the primary theme of Frankenstein is what happens to human sympathies and relationships when men seek obsessively to satisfy their Promethean longings to â€Å"conquer the unknown†- supposedly in the service of their fellow-humans†. ThisRead MoreMary Shelley s Heart At A Very Young Age1318 Words  | 6 PagesMary Wollstonecraft Godwin as she was born, was born August 30th, 1797 in London, England. Mary Shelley’s mother died exactly ten days after her birth so Shelley had a rather burdensome life. Her father was emotionally distant from her while her step-mother treated her cruelly as a result of what little relationship Mary did maintain with her father. Mary spoke three languages, English her primary language, Fr ench her second language of choice and Italian being the third. Although the disconnectedRead MoreThe Road to Despair: Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay694 Words  | 3 PagesThe obsessed search for knowledge, fame and fortune can often undervalue one’s life and become the main focus of their existence. In Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein, she proves that obsession is a dangerous aspect of the human behavior, which always results in a negative outcome, this is mainly portrayed through the protagonist of the story Dr. Victor Frankenstein, because of Dr. Frankenstein’s obsessive personality he fails to recognize the affects of his scientific experiments which eventuallyRead More Significance of Chapter 5 in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Essay1212 Words  | 5 PagesComment on Chapter 5’s significance in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Famous writer, Mary Shelley was born in London in 1797. She was the daughter of writer William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft. Shelley’s mother sadly died while giving birth to her. This was an influence included in the later successful novel ‘Frankenstein’. At 19, she married poet Percy Shelley, who she married in 1816. Together, Mary and Percy had five children, but only one survived past childhood. This tragedy, alongRead MoreMary Shellys Frankenstein and the Consideration of Psychological Traumas Women Face in the Lack of Control Over Their Reproductive Organs1798 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Mary Shellys Frankenstein and the Consideration of Psychological Traumas Women Face in the Lack of Control Over Their Reproductive Organs I. Objective The objective of this study is to examine Mary Shellys work Frankenstein and to consider the psychological traumas women face in the lack of control over their reproductive organs. II. Introduction Women throughout the world have experienced psychological trauma over the lack of control over their reproductive organs and whether this traumaRead More The Concepts Of Knowledge And Happiness In Mary Shelleys Frankenstein1001 Words  | 5 Pages60). In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, she expresses her beliefs regarding the danger of pursuing happiness through the attainment of knowledge, because true happiness is found in the emotional connections established between people. The pursuit of knowledge is not necessarily an evil thing, but it can cause destruction when it is pursued beyond natural limits. Victor Frankenstein becomes a slave to his passion for learning in more than one way; first his life is controlled by his obsession to create
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Success of a Family Aspirations Motives of the...
Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun revolves around a short but difficult period in the lives of the Younger family. Each family member has dreams of a higher quality of life; free from the pressures of poverty and the literal confines of an outgrown and decrepit apartment. Ultimately, the ambitions of each Younger are inspired by dreams of a better life for the family as a whole. Though each Younger approaches this goal differently, they each desire to rise above their current position in the â€Å"rat trap†of society into a better, more respectable, life (964). Each Younger is chasing an ambiguous notion of success and believes that they will bring an end to the family’s hardships; consequentially leading to prosperity and, of chief†¦show more content†¦This realization culminates in Walter’s refusal of Mr. Lindner’s final offer to pay for the Younger’s home in Clybourne Park, Walter acts on his newly discovered belief, that his pride, and that of his family, are more valuable an asset than any amount of money offered to them. This decision accomplishes something for the Younger family that money could not  it brings the Younger’s to the same social standing as all other Americans. Rather than accepting the downtrodden role thrust upon them, Walter’s decision proves that the Younger’s are equal. Unlike Walter, Ruth Younger does not place emphasis on wealth. With the arrival of the insurance money and the prospect of prosperity Ruth suggests that Lena take â€Å"a trip somewhere. To Europe or South America or someplace â€â€Ã¢â‚¬ only after Lena suggests that they use the money to place a down payment on a house does Ruth realize the intrinsic relationship shared by the money and the family’s future. The notion of owning a house endues in Ruth a version of the â€Å"American [Dream] †¦ that privileges hard work and determination as the means of social mobil ity.†concludes Kristin Matthews (560). Through determination and hard work Ruth views the new home as a method to refresh and revitalize their family. To Ruth, putting the insurance money towards buying a house is an opportunity to escape the current hardships. The coming
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Larger than life Women in theater changed society Essay Example For Students
Larger than life Women in theater changed society Essay Sarah Bernhardt strides across the pages of Susan Glenns book like a colossus. In her nine tours of the United States between 1880 and 1918 the French-born actress and master of self-promotion made an indelible impression on the American landscape that transcended the stage. Bernhardt and other turn-of-the-20th-century female performers became leaders of and metaphors for changing gender relations, says UW historian Susan Glenn in her new book Female Spectacle: The Theatrical Roots of Modern Feminism published by Harvard University Press. Bernhardt and her sisters in theater, vaudeville, musical reviews and musical comedy exercised a strong influence on public consciousness in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and in changing societal concepts of womanhood, Glenn believes. Bernhardt was the touchstone, the spectacle of spectacles. She gave women the power to define their own public image. She legitimized a strong personality for women and gave them permission to say I, which pre viously would have been seen as controversial, says Glenn. This was a woman who made a spectacle of herself. She was larger than life, and there was never anyone like her. Even Mae West, later on, didnt have the same impact. Spectacle, according to Glenn was a popular term widely used at the end of the 19th century by Americans to describe all sorts of changes that were beginning to transform society. One of the biggest changes was the larger public presence of women in the workplace, streets and in the theaters. On and off the stage women were increasingly drawing attention to themselves as they began voicing their rights to education, employment, participation in politics and sexual expressiveness. Bernhardt wasnt alone in creating theatric spectacle. She was joined by scores of other leading female entertainers of the era new women including Marie Dressler, Trixie Friganza, Eva Tanguay, Fanny Brice and Gertrude Hoffmann. These well-paid and independent women helped shape wider social and cultural developments because they exercised a degree of freedom that was rarely available to women in public, according to Glenn. By the 1890s you had the first of the star system. The player became more important than the play, she says. Celebrities had to develop strong personalities to remain in the spotlight. Theater and newspapers had a symbiotic relationship. They encouraged women to have individual personas to attract attention. To grab attention, women had to be outrageous a spectacle because it paid off. This was the P.T. Barnum syndrome of promotion. Only one figure challenges Bernhardt for the spotlight in Glenns book, and its a composite fashioned from hundreds, if not thousands, of young women the Broadway chorus girl. Glenn calls the chorus girl a generic emblem of the new woman. The chorus girl made a spectacle of herself both on and off the stage. While performing, she was a visual spectacle as part of a line of precision dancers that was stage-managed by men in a very controlled way, according to Glenn. Off stage, she had a mind of her own and made a spectacle of her independence. The chorus girl was widely pictured to be an urban adventurer who was young, attractive and dangerous. She was depicted in a very pervasive stereotype as a gold-digger, and the term dangerous chorus girl was a way of talking about a younger generation of urban women who would stand up to men. Historians in general have ignored the theater as a place where new ideas were generated, says Glenn. I hope this book permits people to see it as a place that helped move the world into the 20th century. And, she writes, Theater licensed women to say not only look at me because I am bizarre, funny, critical, graceful, melodic, or beautiful, but listen to me because I have something to say about what it means to be a woman. Shotgun Productions, founded in 1989, is a theatrical production company dedicated to expanding the role, and serving the needs of emerging wo men artists. Our mission is to:1.Provide a nurturing and supportive outlet for emerging women writers, directors, actors, choreographers, video artists, designers and technicians to hone their craft. 2.Offer our community an opportunity to experience the female voice in original works that are both innovative and challenging. Shotgun Productions truly is what Id consider to be the most organized, professionally minded group going. The degree of integrity in and genuine caring for the process as a whole shows every step of the way. Shotgun Productions deserves much more attention and support. .u7b4418a1714cc10dc853b9de5593e5b7 , .u7b4418a1714cc10dc853b9de5593e5b7 .postImageUrl , .u7b4418a1714cc10dc853b9de5593e5b7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7b4418a1714cc10dc853b9de5593e5b7 , .u7b4418a1714cc10dc853b9de5593e5b7:hover , .u7b4418a1714cc10dc853b9de5593e5b7:visited , .u7b4418a1714cc10dc853b9de5593e5b7:active { border:0!important; } .u7b4418a1714cc10dc853b9de5593e5b7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7b4418a1714cc10dc853b9de5593e5b7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7b4418a1714cc10dc853b9de5593e5b7:active , .u7b4418a1714cc10dc853b9de5593e5b7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7b4418a1714cc10dc853b9de5593e5b7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7b4418a1714cc10dc853b9de5593e5b7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7b4418a1714cc10dc853b9de5593e5b7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7b4418a1714cc10dc853b9de5593e5b7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7b4418a1714cc10dc853b9de5593e5b7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7b4418a1714cc10dc853b9de5593e5b7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7b4418a1714cc10dc853b9de5593e5b7 .u7b4418a1714cc10dc853b9de5593e5b7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7b4418a1714cc10dc853b9de5593e5b7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Critically examine the proposition that small alli Essay Bibliography:
Monday, April 13, 2020
#8220;Compare and Contrast Essay Sample on Canada Vs the USA #8220;
#8220;Compare and Contrast Essay Sample on Canada Vs the USA #8220; Both Canada and the USA have governments that seem to work quite well, amidst their differences. While the USA is a republic, Canada is a constitutional monarchy, and both are based on the ideas of democracy. However, they are different in many ways, and each government has it’s share of better methods than the other. For example, the USA has a definite term of office set for the president, 4 years, so that the president will know when he is done, and elections do not come as a surprise to the citizens. In Canada, the Prime Minister may sit for up to 5 years, calling an election any time he/she wants, from his/her first day in office, until the day before their last day in office. This can come as a surprise to the public, leaving them unprepared for an election. This is one of the ways that makes the USA system seem better than the Canadian. However, with the exact date known well in advance, campaigns in the USA start over a year ahead of the election, which can be quite ann oying to many people. Canadian campaigns last for only 50 days. The Canadian system does have it’s strong points, as well. In the USA, presidents may only be in office for a maximum of 10 years with the rare possibility that their predecessor is no longer able to run the country, during a term. In most cases, the maximum is 8 years per president, in 2 terms. This is not a very good system, if a president that is liked by all and makes decisions well is kept in office for 8 years, he is no longer allowed to be the president, no matter how much he’s liked. In Canada, there is no limit on how much a leader may be Prime Minister. If the Prime Minister proves himself to be a very good leader, he will be kept in office for as long as needed. If the Prime minister proves to be a bad leader, they will not be re-elected. The parties keep or replace leaders as they see fit, and the voters have the final word. The Americans have the better model for choosing government representatives, however. In an American election, the voters will vote on both the president and vice president, to ensure that they are who the people want. In Canada, we only indirectly vote for our prime minister, who then chooses his own staff all by himself, most likely all will be members of his own party. Canadians also have a better separation system between the highest levels of government, as well. When the voters in America elect a head of government, they are also electing the head of state. This one person is the president, who occupies both titles. In Canada, the head of state is the Queen and the Governor General, who are above the differences between the parties. They are there just to be the monarch, not to get involved with all the different ideologies of the political parties. In the USA, the president will be either republican or democratic, which does not bode well for the patriotic symbol of head of state. If there’s blame to be had, the American’s don’t know who did what, there are different parties in the different branches, and each branch blames the other. In Canada, it will always be the government party, so that the voters know for certain who did it. I can’t say for certain which government system I believe is better. Each country has different strengths and weaknesses, which balance each other out quite nicely. Canadian voters are more involved in government decisions, but lack the involvement in who is running the government, the Prime Minister appoints his staff. America lets their voters get more involved in choosing their leaders, but they cannot determine who to blame when something goes wrong. If I had to choose between them for sure, I believe I would choose Canada as the better government. Canada has a few poor qualities, such as the prime minister having immense power, but they can be made up for simply, such as choosing a prime minister that everyone can trust. You can order custom essays, term papers, research papers, dissertations and thesis papers on Canada and the USA from our professional custom writing service. Here is a list of the most popular essay writing topics on Canada: French Immigration in Canada with special view to the 17th century Canada should allow more foreigners to become Canadians The Gap Between the Rich and Poor in Canada The Four Most Significant individuals in Canadian History The place of Quebec in Canada is at the heart of the debate on constitutional reform but is not the only source of discontent within the Canadian federal system Should Canada strengthen its ties with America Multiculturalism in Canada Canadas political system Legislatures in Canada and the United States Refugee children in Canada: Searching for Identity SHOULD CANADA HAVE DEATH PENALTY Gun control in Canada Japanese Canadians in Canada Copyright Laws In Canada Renewable Resource Research in Canada Canadas great depression Terrorism in canada Marijuana: Should it be legalized in Canada? Social Issues in Canada
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Research Paper on Intangible Assets including Goodwill
Research Paper on Intangible Assets including Goodwill IFRS versus GAAP: Assessing the Issue Major sources of investment capital have long favored greater harmony and transparency in global accounting standards (Ohlgart Ernst, 2011). While world accounting standards in the modern sense originated in the US, a divergence has occurred between GAAP criteria and the prevailing international accounting standards, currently represented by IFRS criteria. The latter are now in official use in 120 nations (Tyson, 2011, p. 27). In October 2002, FASB and IASB formalized the Norwalk Agreement, to converge in their accounting rules over time (Charron Moores, 2011; Tyson, 2011). Since then, both the major accounting associations and government regulators have moved toward convergence in accounting practices. In light of this development, this paper will look at whether to recommend that the SEC maintain GAAP criteria for firms that report in the US or move to IFRS criteria, especially concerning the issue of intangible assets. The Call for Convergence After the Enron and WorldCom accounting fiascos, which â€Å"culminated in huge financial losses and decimated capital markets worldwide,†there has been vociferous pressure, especially from European firms and auditing agencies, for the US to join the growing world community of accounting practice by moving away from GAAP and toward IFRS criteria (Tyson, 2011, p. 25). This assumes that globally standardized criteria would have improved transparency in financial reporting at Enron and WorldCom, raising awareness of irregularities earlier. Thus, some have argued that IFRS standards, which rely on principles more than rules, foment more professional judgment, which creates transparency (Tyson, 2011, p. 30). Admittedly, GAAP criteria are better at industry-specific detail, but there have also been arguments that they may encourage â€Å"financial engineering†(Tyson, 2011, p. 27). Nevertheless, credible academic sources find no evidence that IFRS standards are superior to G AAP criteria (Tyson, 2011, p. 30). Effect on Intangible Assets Henry, Lin, and Yang (2007) reported that intangible assets, including both goodwill and development costs (e.g., in research and development) play a central role in determining critical measures of value for â€Å"reconciling items for both net income and shareholders’ equity†(p. 710). Because the difference between GAAP and IFRS concern intangible assets more than any other area, especially in cases of mergers and acquisitions, this concern lies at the crux of the question of whether the US should move toward the IFRS model. Goodwill refers to the intangible benefit that comes from a company’s acquiring another firm at a cost that is less than its current fair-market price (Charron Moores, 2011). The key difference between GAAP and IFRS in measuring goodwill concerns how acquirers allocate this intangible value by unit in their own accounting structures. Under GAAP criteria, â€Å"the acquirer assigns goodwill to the various reporting units of the combined entity,†but under IFRS criteria, â€Å"goodwill is assigned to the various cash-generating units†(Charron Moores, 2011, p. 50). In fact, Henry, Lin, and Yang (2007) found that the largest differences between IFRS and GAAP in calculating shareholder equity related to goodwill. Moreover, between 2004 and 2006, pensions and goodwill have dominated disparities between GAAP and IFRS accounting, despite evidence of convergence over time (Henry, Lin, Yang, 2009).Shareholders’ equity under IFRS is lower than that reported under GAAP criteria, in most cases. Because the definition of control differs between GAAP and IFRS, some events qualify as mergers and acquisitions in one system but fall short of that definition in the other (Charron Moores, 2011). GAAP looks for a mathematical majority of shares to define having a controlling financial interest. In contrast, the IFRS looks at effective control, defining control as the â€Å"power to govern the financial and operating policies of an entity to obtain benefits from its activities†(Charron Moores, 2011, p. 48). This requires judgment. To discern this, analysts must judge whether interested shareholders can appoint executives, dissolve a business unit, appoints board members, exercise special voting rights, or alter bylaws (Charron Moores, 2011). Benefits of Convergence The principle of convergence, as one of multiple paths to US adoption of IFRS criteria, involves first cooperatively adjusting GAAP and IFRS criteria, and then permitting US firms to adopt IFRS practices at a point at which the latter â€Å"would be adopting IFRS almost automatically or be very close†(Ohlgart Ernst, 2011, p. 41). The advantages of convergence include making US-based sources of capital funding more competitive in capital global markets, lower expected costs of capital overall, greater financial-reporting efficiency for US-based multinational sources of capital and auditing firms, and more transparency for investors (Tyson, 2011). Henry, Lin, and Yang (2007) noted that â€Å"the greater confidence in financial reporting†from harmonizing global accounting reporting standards â€Å"translates into a lower cost of capital†(p. 710). The pursuit of convergence between GAAP and IFRS criteria is also likely to encourage more repatriation of foreign ea rnings by US corporations (Epstein Macy, 2011). Recommendations Ohlgart and Ernst (2011) predicted that the SEC would permit a minimum of five years for US corporations to make the transition to IFRS criteria, assuming that it ultimately adopts the convergence plan. For some companies, however, the main disadvantages of convergence have to do with the time necessary to make the transition, rather than any permanent loss of financial advantage. Nevertheless, many firms will also have to adapt to new reporting systems after years of developing internal ERPs that will be vexing to rework. As Ohlgart and Ernst (2011) noted, many firms’ accounting ERPs â€Å"are a conglomeration of disparate systems pieced together over the years that will either not support a massive change,†even if such a change promises to afford substantial efficiencies at some point in the future (p. 43). Nevertheless, two-thirds of Fortune 1000 firms already favor eventually full convergence (Tyson, 2011, p. 30). While international organizations and major audit firms support proceeding with the transition to IFRS in the United States, industrial interests are far more reticent (Tyson, 2011). Most cautious are the aerospace, financial-services, and public-utilities sectors (Tyson, 2011), which have come out strongly in favor of convergence as the optimal path to adoption, with sufficient time for GAAP criteria to align with IFRS standards. Major multinational firms headquartered in the US have voiced similar concerns to those of the foregoing industry sectors. Lastly, US-based trade associations and large investment firms have come out in agreement with US-based industrial interests. In consideration of the effect on the cost of capital and more generally the benefits of having a more transparent international-accounting system, the only reasonable recommendation is to follow the advice of the foregoing US-based industrial interests. However, given that the IFRS criteria are actually the eventual offspring of accounting standards first formed in the US, a better solution is a policy of condorsement (Ohlgart Ernst, 2011, p. 42). This is a combination of convergence and the additional qualification that the FASB exercise oversight over residual changes that need to occur in both GAAP and IFRS criteria. In this way, the product may be an optimal combination of rules-based criteria and principles-based criteria, which may thus permit greater objectivity and lesser subjectivity in the accounting rules that currently prevail in IFRS criteria alone. This way, there may be an opportunity to resolve the ambiguities associated with some IFRS criteria, while otherwise purs uing a semblance of convergence in the end.
Monday, February 24, 2020
Foreign country relating to the world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Foreign country relating to the world - Essay Example India is one of the few countries which escaped from the damages of current global recession. India has achieved this positions through carefully planned economic and foreign policies. They have adopted a diplomatic approach to most of the problems associated with it in the region and never adopted an aggressive approach even when their sovereignty was in jeopardy. Immediately after getting freedom, India has started conscious efforts to make an international body for the non-aligned countries under the leadership Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Former Egyptian President Abdul Nazar and Yugoslav President Tito joined hands with Nehru in the formation of NAM. At the time of cold war both US and USSR tried to gain the support of NAM countries in order to expand their power. Some political analysts believe that India was more aligned towards USSR at the time of cold war, but even then India never given up their commitment towards NAM movement. After the destruction of former Soviet Union, America has started to attract India’s support in international affairs because of India’s growing stature as a world economic power. At present India is maintaining a good relationship with both America and Russia which help them in interfering in international politics effectively. â€Å"The principles of Indias foreign policy have stood the te st of time: a belief in friendly relations with all countries of the world, the resolution of conflicts by peaceful means, the sovereign equality of all states, independence of thought and action as manifested in the principles of Non-alignment, and equity in the conduct of international relations†.  (Indias Foreign Policy - 50 Years of Achievement) â€Å"Indeed, the Independence of India itself played the role of a catalyst in removing the vestiges of colonialism in other parts of the developing world, particularly in Africa†(Indias Foreign Policy - 50 Years of Achievement) India has
Friday, February 7, 2020
The History of Winter Olympic Games Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The History of Winter Olympic Games - Term Paper Example The Winter Olympic Games were disrupted by both World War 1 and World War 2. Other than the games being completely canceled because of the war and the plans being suspended, there were strained relations after the war between the nations that had been at war and their allies (Wickenheiser, 2009). The Olympic Games were feared to be held in some nations such as the Soviet Union after the war for fear of reaction of the enemies of the Soviet Union. The Worlds Wars also led to world depression and hence after the wars, few nations were able to participate in the next winter Olympic Games as the rest lacked expense money. The participants even from the nations that attended were few. Doping has been a headache to the organizers of this particular sport as with many other sports. The measures taken since 1967 have been to perform random drug tests on the participants and banning those found with positive results. The most common doping drugs are the performance enhancers. The other controversy that has rocked these games is the bribing of the planning committee officials with expensive gifts in order for their countries to be selected to host the games. The most controversial and which saw 10 officials sent packing is the 2002 Salt Lake City, USA Olympics (Gerlach, 2004). Politics have always been a silent but present issue in these winter Olympic Games. Most nations still have cold war amongst themselves and they push them in the games. Some nations use the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to show off to the nations and those which have been successful in the number of medals use this as a way to express their powers such as the US. The nations that have always had a grudge against each other go to the extent of skipping the winter games when they take place in the enemy country. Even though the politics are silent and not expressed openly, it still affects the sole purpose of the games
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
True Leaders Essay Example for Free
True Leaders Essay If there ever were a great leader in the history of business and management, it would be William Edwards Deming. Deming was a visionary whose concepts of effective business leadership were decades ahead of his time. It was Deming who greatly improved industrial production in the United States during World War Two and later, ironically, in Japan where his genius was given the widespread recognition it deserved. Deming coined the term â€Å"Profound Knowledge Management†which referred to the notion that successful management is based on individuals and to be successful, individuals must always be open to change and never act in a manner that would be deemed inflexible. From this, a manager can act in a leadership role similar to Deming’s leadership module. There is, however, a significant difference between leadership and its cousins supervision and management. Supervision generally refers to the oversight of employees. Management generally refers to the oversight of company and business policy. Leadership refers to the notion that the individuals that comprise the personnel of a given company have faith and confidence in the person who is making the supervisory and managerial directives. Personnel will look up to a manager who exemplifies leadership qualities. Quality leadership will always inspire and never threaten or sanction as is the case in many supervisory or managerial styles. Are true leaders rare? Yes. The reason for this is that leadership involves a great deal of innovation (as was the case with Deming) whereas supervision/management simply requires carrying out directives. Not everyone can lead, but those who can are never forgotten.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Romeo And Juliet :: essays research papers
Over the past four hundred years, the famous play, Romeo and Juliet, has inspired many readers across the globe. The classic play, written by famous playwright William Shakespeare has captured and will continue to capture people’s minds.      The main question that rises is why this play has been read for so long. The story consists of two “ star- crossed '; lovers who fall in love at first sight. One of the main reasons why this play has been so popular is because stories in those times relied more on the life and spirit of the play. For generations people saw in this play a reflection of their own life and experiences.      Another reason why this play has been successful is also because the hints of tragedy increased the suspense and irony of the play. For example, when Juliet looks upon Romeo and says;      “O God, I have an ill-diving      soul!      Methinks I see them, now      thou art below      As one dead in the bottom      of a thumb. '; (Act III, Scene V, lines 54-56) thus pointing out the hints of tragic death.      Romeo and Juliet is also a play which is full of anger, passion, and death. The secrecy of the marriage of Romeo and Juliet pointed out a form of dramatic irony. This is shown by Juliet’s “ double-edged ';phrases when Lady Capulet is denouncing Romeo. For example,      “Ay madam, from the reach of      these my hands:      would none but I might verge      my cousin’s death.'; (Act III, Scene V, line 86) or when Juliet states in an awkward way,      “indeed I never shall be satisfied with Romeo till I behold him -dead- ';      (Act III, Scene V, line 95)      O there dramatic ironies included when Romeo falls in love with Juliet, Mercutio imagines he is still in love with Rosaline. “Ah that same pale hard-hearted wench, that torments him so that he will sure run mad. '; (Act II, Scene IV, Line 4). All the dramatic ironies caused a very lively presence throughout the play and has caught the eye of many readers.      Last but not least, Shakespeare’ s writing style has also hypnotised people.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Twin Study
1. Methods and results In this study, Thomas Bouchard and David Lykken, along with their associates at the University of Minnesota, were attempting to prove if nature is the determining factor in a person’s personality or if it really is the nurturing environment. They wanted to see if twins who were separated at birth and raised in different environments would still have similar personalities, which support the theory that a person’s genes has more impact on a person’s character than the environment.In order to study their hypothesis, Bouchard and Lykken located identical twins that were separated by birth due to adoption and spent a week conducting various tests; four personality trait scales, three aptitude and occupational interest inventories as well as two intelligence tests. Through these examples and other tests, Bouchard and Lykken complied copious amounts of data on the twins. The results of the study favored the nature theory in that an overwhelming pe rcentage of the twins had similar results and personalities despite having never grown up together. . Analysis It does appear that this study’s results proved whether nature or nurture is important in the development of a person’s personality. At least this seems to have been proven in the instance of identical twins. However, there was no mention of research done involving twins raised in the same household to compare to this study’s results. I do believe that the experiment was done properly in coordination with the scientific method but that various psychologists should have replicated the experiment numerous times over time. . Criticisms As with all published findings, there were those who argued against the claims made by Bouchard and Lykken. Some members of the psychological community believed that what was published was incomplete and therefore cannot be regarded as true unless all the results are made available. In addition, some critics claim that Bouch ard and Lykken are guilty of the â€Å"equal environment assumption†which is that identical and fraternal twins are treated equally and raised in identical environments.This assumption is untrue as parents treat fraternal twins, two separately fertilized eggs versus one that split, as complete different individuals like any other siblings born at separate times. Other psychologists agreed with Bouchard and Lykken and even completed their own studies about genetic influence on people’s personalities as well as choices, and many of these studies had similar results, thus further supporting Bouchard and Lykken. 4. ConclusionThe overall meaning of this study is that the debate of nature versus nurture continues in the field of psychology and it is more a matter of interpretation of data and personal belief rather than something set in stone. Psychologists continue to follow the study’s example by investigating the impact of genetics on a person’s choices and actions such as whom they fall in love with and other complexities of human behavior. This study changed psychology in that there was a new element, genes, for psychologists to analyze for explanations about the human psyche.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Organizations and Awareness towards LGBT Rights, Equality...
America is the country of freedom, where all men and women are treated equal. Sadly, this principle is not true when it comes to one’s sexual orientation. According to the gay bullying statistics from the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community, â€Å"About one fourth of all students from elementary age through high school are the victims of bullying and harassment while on school property because of their race, ethnicity, gender, disability, religion, or sexual orientation.†Being set apart from the norm is the primary reason for this particular type of bullying. To stop this discrimination based on sexual orientation, working with organizations such as Campus Pride or It Gets Better Project, is a step in the right direction.†¦show more content†¦Another way of indirectly bullying someone is by excluding him or her from a social group. This type of bullying is the most common. Another type of bullying similar to indirect bullying is cyber bull ying. Cyber bullying is done over text messaging, email, websites, blogs, social media sites, etc. Jacob Flatten, a college student at University of Green Bay, admits to being bullied about his sexual orientation throughout high school. Jacob states, â€Å"I came out of the closet my sophomore year of high school and my mother was totally understanding, but my father on the other hand, was livid. Still to this day, our relationship was never truly the same.†To summarize, Jacob thought that no one would treat him differently at school but that was not the case. He said that he was never physically abused, but the emotional abuse was almost too much to bear. Jacob said, â€Å"When I had to change in the locker room for sports or gym class, I was forced to change in the bathroom stall because my male classmates felt uncomfortable changing around me.†He says that his mother would have to physically have to drag him out of bed each morning because he did not want to face another day of the emotional abuse. Sadly Jacob states, â€Å"I would get called some of the most harsh names you could think of, they are not worth ever repeating. I truly hope times have changed and teens do not have to goShow MoreRelatedThe Prevention Of Violence And Discrimination Based On Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity1713 Words  | 7 Pagesinto their judicial system, allowing the systematic oppression of the LGBT, leading to violence in the form of hate crimes and even death. The GA3 committee, however, will be dealing with the prevention of violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. 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