Wednesday, January 29, 2020
True Leaders Essay Example for Free
True Leaders Essay If there ever were a great leader in the history of business and management, it would be William Edwards Deming. Deming was a visionary whose concepts of effective business leadership were decades ahead of his time. It was Deming who greatly improved industrial production in the United States during World War Two and later, ironically, in Japan where his genius was given the widespread recognition it deserved. Deming coined the term â€Å"Profound Knowledge Management†which referred to the notion that successful management is based on individuals and to be successful, individuals must always be open to change and never act in a manner that would be deemed inflexible. From this, a manager can act in a leadership role similar to Deming’s leadership module. There is, however, a significant difference between leadership and its cousins supervision and management. Supervision generally refers to the oversight of employees. Management generally refers to the oversight of company and business policy. Leadership refers to the notion that the individuals that comprise the personnel of a given company have faith and confidence in the person who is making the supervisory and managerial directives. Personnel will look up to a manager who exemplifies leadership qualities. Quality leadership will always inspire and never threaten or sanction as is the case in many supervisory or managerial styles. Are true leaders rare? Yes. The reason for this is that leadership involves a great deal of innovation (as was the case with Deming) whereas supervision/management simply requires carrying out directives. Not everyone can lead, but those who can are never forgotten.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Romeo And Juliet :: essays research papers
Over the past four hundred years, the famous play, Romeo and Juliet, has inspired many readers across the globe. The classic play, written by famous playwright William Shakespeare has captured and will continue to capture people’s minds.      The main question that rises is why this play has been read for so long. The story consists of two “ star- crossed '; lovers who fall in love at first sight. One of the main reasons why this play has been so popular is because stories in those times relied more on the life and spirit of the play. For generations people saw in this play a reflection of their own life and experiences.      Another reason why this play has been successful is also because the hints of tragedy increased the suspense and irony of the play. For example, when Juliet looks upon Romeo and says;      “O God, I have an ill-diving      soul!      Methinks I see them, now      thou art below      As one dead in the bottom      of a thumb. '; (Act III, Scene V, lines 54-56) thus pointing out the hints of tragic death.      Romeo and Juliet is also a play which is full of anger, passion, and death. The secrecy of the marriage of Romeo and Juliet pointed out a form of dramatic irony. This is shown by Juliet’s “ double-edged ';phrases when Lady Capulet is denouncing Romeo. For example,      “Ay madam, from the reach of      these my hands:      would none but I might verge      my cousin’s death.'; (Act III, Scene V, line 86) or when Juliet states in an awkward way,      “indeed I never shall be satisfied with Romeo till I behold him -dead- ';      (Act III, Scene V, line 95)      O there dramatic ironies included when Romeo falls in love with Juliet, Mercutio imagines he is still in love with Rosaline. “Ah that same pale hard-hearted wench, that torments him so that he will sure run mad. '; (Act II, Scene IV, Line 4). All the dramatic ironies caused a very lively presence throughout the play and has caught the eye of many readers.      Last but not least, Shakespeare’ s writing style has also hypnotised people.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Twin Study
1. Methods and results In this study, Thomas Bouchard and David Lykken, along with their associates at the University of Minnesota, were attempting to prove if nature is the determining factor in a person’s personality or if it really is the nurturing environment. They wanted to see if twins who were separated at birth and raised in different environments would still have similar personalities, which support the theory that a person’s genes has more impact on a person’s character than the environment.In order to study their hypothesis, Bouchard and Lykken located identical twins that were separated by birth due to adoption and spent a week conducting various tests; four personality trait scales, three aptitude and occupational interest inventories as well as two intelligence tests. Through these examples and other tests, Bouchard and Lykken complied copious amounts of data on the twins. The results of the study favored the nature theory in that an overwhelming pe rcentage of the twins had similar results and personalities despite having never grown up together. . Analysis It does appear that this study’s results proved whether nature or nurture is important in the development of a person’s personality. At least this seems to have been proven in the instance of identical twins. However, there was no mention of research done involving twins raised in the same household to compare to this study’s results. I do believe that the experiment was done properly in coordination with the scientific method but that various psychologists should have replicated the experiment numerous times over time. . Criticisms As with all published findings, there were those who argued against the claims made by Bouchard and Lykken. Some members of the psychological community believed that what was published was incomplete and therefore cannot be regarded as true unless all the results are made available. In addition, some critics claim that Bouch ard and Lykken are guilty of the â€Å"equal environment assumption†which is that identical and fraternal twins are treated equally and raised in identical environments.This assumption is untrue as parents treat fraternal twins, two separately fertilized eggs versus one that split, as complete different individuals like any other siblings born at separate times. Other psychologists agreed with Bouchard and Lykken and even completed their own studies about genetic influence on people’s personalities as well as choices, and many of these studies had similar results, thus further supporting Bouchard and Lykken. 4. ConclusionThe overall meaning of this study is that the debate of nature versus nurture continues in the field of psychology and it is more a matter of interpretation of data and personal belief rather than something set in stone. Psychologists continue to follow the study’s example by investigating the impact of genetics on a person’s choices and actions such as whom they fall in love with and other complexities of human behavior. This study changed psychology in that there was a new element, genes, for psychologists to analyze for explanations about the human psyche.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Organizations and Awareness towards LGBT Rights, Equality...
America is the country of freedom, where all men and women are treated equal. Sadly, this principle is not true when it comes to one’s sexual orientation. According to the gay bullying statistics from the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community, â€Å"About one fourth of all students from elementary age through high school are the victims of bullying and harassment while on school property because of their race, ethnicity, gender, disability, religion, or sexual orientation.†Being set apart from the norm is the primary reason for this particular type of bullying. To stop this discrimination based on sexual orientation, working with organizations such as Campus Pride or It Gets Better Project, is a step in the right direction.†¦show more content†¦Another way of indirectly bullying someone is by excluding him or her from a social group. This type of bullying is the most common. Another type of bullying similar to indirect bullying is cyber bull ying. Cyber bullying is done over text messaging, email, websites, blogs, social media sites, etc. Jacob Flatten, a college student at University of Green Bay, admits to being bullied about his sexual orientation throughout high school. Jacob states, â€Å"I came out of the closet my sophomore year of high school and my mother was totally understanding, but my father on the other hand, was livid. Still to this day, our relationship was never truly the same.†To summarize, Jacob thought that no one would treat him differently at school but that was not the case. He said that he was never physically abused, but the emotional abuse was almost too much to bear. Jacob said, â€Å"When I had to change in the locker room for sports or gym class, I was forced to change in the bathroom stall because my male classmates felt uncomfortable changing around me.†He says that his mother would have to physically have to drag him out of bed each morning because he did not want to face another day of the emotional abuse. Sadly Jacob states, â€Å"I would get called some of the most harsh names you could think of, they are not worth ever repeating. I truly hope times have changed and teens do not have to goShow MoreRelatedThe Prevention Of Violence And Discrimination Based On Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity1713 Words  | 7 Pagesinto their judicial system, allowing the systematic oppression of the LGBT, leading to violence in the form of hate crimes and even death. The GA3 committee, however, will be dealing with the prevention of violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. 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